Reports and contributions the world does not need. Magazine articles on Tromaggot |
Yes, there appear now and then articles and advertisements in Tromaggot of any magazines or newspapers - even in criminal complaints - on. Sometimes I know that, sometimes I know nothing baout that. The article, which I think I will be here in this area just mentioned. The Making Of TROMAGGOT - printed in the PRANKE #34 A certain Alan Smithee has a page on the Tromaggot Prank magazine reported - the film magazine for Monster freaks.
Making Of TROMAGGOT Since 2005 a small Freak work on a no-budget-TROMA-Fanfilmprojekt around. The people who were required were looked for that with the help of the Internet. Financed the whole thing with his gum shot bank account. The genesis of the project and an interview with this freak in this article are reproduced. An amateur film about a mutant Gigant Monster Maggot what bloodthirsty revenge on their "producer" is.
Have a look to the speaking actors! |