the sound studio

and their speakers
tromaggot mouth

Thanks to the great recording studio in Berlin with the name "Unterton". With their help the film could be synchronized. All the speakers were found on various locations all over the world - some came from the U.S., some from Australia, some from London, or even someone came from Israel - is not incredibly internationally?

as you can see it:         Trash connects the people

Sounds are very important! Look at this movie - How senseless would it be without sound?

the sychronization
Every Soeaking Actor is a place of honor set up - at least, all of which I had a picture - some would not scan, which appear here do not hold on. If someone wants to be removed later because no one can know what shameful he has committed, he can contact me at the contacts. Of course, even if someone, I've forgotten, still wants to up here, contact me, too.

Here are the Speakers for the English Sychronization:

Name (left):      Daniel Gloag
Character:        a muCus-guy
celebrate rate:   k.A.



Name (right): Sassa Sumner 
Character:    Björn        
      celebrate rate: k.A.       

Name:             Dharmaner Singh
Character:        the bad Indian guy  
celebrate rate:   international comedian
               here a interview with this guy
Name:             William Hederman
Character:        Dave
celebrate rate:   k.A.

Name:             Eilis Murphy
Character:        Scientist
celebrate rate:   k.A.

Name:             Brendon Harper
Character:        Partner
celebrate rate:   k.A.
Name:             Leila Gray
Character:        Girl on the Phone / Debbie / Storyteller
celebrate rate:   k.A.
Name:             Michael Nicholas
Character:        General / Lloyd Kaufman
celebrate rate:   k.A.
Name:             Paul North
Character:        Punk
celebrate rate:   a Troma Volunteer and Hitschlechthin and World Tramper
Paul North
Simon Savory
Name:             Simon Savory
Character:        coPs-Chief
celebrate rate:   Simon Savory is a writer of pansexual
                  horror films for Here! TV.
                  He cries after drinking gin and is seriously
                  lacking in moral fibre.
Name:             Summer Banks
Character:        muCus-Chief
celebrate rate:   k.A.
Andy Gee
Name:             Andy Gee
Character:        Nerd
celebrate rate:   lived lost in Berlin
Andy Gee

Looking for musicians...
take a look to the German Speaking Actors